About Susie Drummond

Change Navigator. Rebel Chaperone. Kindly Counsel.

Enthusiastic explorer

I am a veteran Rebel, and a Kindly novice. A leader, a volunteer, a mama, a friend, an introvert, a learner, a thinker. A big believer in living by your strengths. I strive to live by these values: curiosity, humour, courage.

Even in uncomfortable situations, I have learned from many people. Always grateful for the skills I’ve learned through practice, I am often surprised that others think they are innate. Much more comfortable on my own thinking, than out in the world with people being emotional. Though nowadays aware enough to make myself do both so I can live a fuller life. 

Always up for chocolate and coffee. A chat about ideas. Exploring a new place. A run in the fresh air. Hugs from those I love.

Curious leader

The first team I managed was a fantastic bunch of people I’d worked with for 6 months, all older than me and with decades more experience! I had no idea how to lead, so I asked them for advice. I was curious and rebelling against convention. And that has served me well.

As a very quiet and introverted child, I would have been voted “Most Likely to stay at home and become Jane Austen”. Instead I have lived and worked on four continents, made friends of all ages from all over, and tried on all sorts of personas along the way. I’ve worked in the corporate world and the public sector. My speciality is leading and managing, so I’ve done a real variety of roles. I’ve been a project manager, operations manager, head of corporate services, strategy lead, and head of people. Not a standard career but a fascinating one so far!

I’ve had the benefit of working for a huge variety of customers along the way, the usual CEOs, bank managers, and government departments. And working in cafes, bakeries, betting shops and frozen vegetable factories. For the customers saving up their money to buy iced buns or bet on the Grand National horses or buy frozen peas with no insects in them. All these different worlds help me to understand different people and lead better.

Happy nurturer

I was raised in Scotland, shaped in Boston and Portland and Sydney and Melbourne and Leeds and Dubai, and am now sending out roots in a lovely country town. Once I was told I was too independent and thought it was a compliment. Now my journey is towards contented interdependence.

I’ve been leading teams big and small for 20 years and have learned and improved along the way. My strengths are 

  • Building Relationships through building trust, and a focus on “not your way or my way” but the “third way” to benefit everyone
  • Leading through listening, coaching and developing people and acting with integrity
  • Thinking – always wondering how to make things better, ask questions, have an end in mind and connecting people together. 

What I have found out from this life so far, and my rebel ways…

  • There is always something to learn. From a place, a person, an experience.
  • Being uncomfortable is ok
  • I can always practice being kind, even when it’s hard.

I love to help people live fuller, bigger lives than they expected. My experiences are both unique and universal.

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Come and join me on this Rebel Kindly adventure. Get inspired, try a workout, read the manifesto, book a package. Let’s be Kindly Rebels.

Photos @imaginative.pics

Susie Drummond